As the plugins are made by the students, no responsibility is taken for their stability. Before publication, the plugins were subjected to some checks (click here if you want to see more...)
Cat themed stereo Octaver with a very italian design. Warning: the cat goes mad!
This is a two stage chorus that allows you to tweak every delay and modulation parameter to suit your needs.
Automatic frequency masking compensation (beta version). WARNING: Since the addition of the Linux version, the zip file is detected as a Trojan on Windows. This is probably a false positive as the unzipped files no longer trigger the warning.
A versatile ring modulator with BPM-sync LFO, MIDI-controlled frequency, external side-chain operands.
A faithful reproduction of the famous vibrato/chorus integrated into the most iconic electric organ.
Eecho is a delay that reproduces the sound of Korg SDD-1000 and BOSS DE-200 digital delays, combined with the analog vibes of tape delays.
Virtual-analog version of a famous analog synthesiser.
Distortion (soft-clipping or fuzz) and equalization effect.
Brightness-based auto-filter/auto-wha effect.
Typical ping-pong delay.
This plugin simulates WOW and Flutter effects, typical of old tape cassette, including digitisation distortion (quantisation noise and aliasing).
A simple Noise Gate.
Granular-wavetable hybrid synthesiser.
Two knobs synth means not a lot of knobs.
Monophonic dub siren.
Parameter-modulated bit-crusher.
Simple LFO-modulated bitcrusher.
Harmonizer with delay-based pitch shifting.
Lo-fi effect composed of a saturator, band-pass filter and a reverb.
A guitar and bass compressor.
Electric Guitar Fuzz Effect.
MIDI-controlled polyphonic resonator.
A simple Noise Gate.
Ring modulation effect (modulating frequency through MIDI).
HyperTremolo is a Dual Amplitude Modulator effect. It is designed to be an Harmonic Tremolo, but can be tweaked to get a lot of different effects, from haunting Ring Modulations to Rotary Speaker emulations!
Guitar preamplifier simulation with solid and valve state, guitar cabinet and filters.
Simple delay/flanger effect.
Digital Monophonic Synthesizer (a hello world synthesizer).
A simple compressor based on peak analysis.
Mid-Side Equalizer.
Delay with independent delay time for each channel.
Stereo virtual synthesizer.
4 bands mid-side equalizer.
All in one MIDI controlled ring modulator and bit crusher.